So, putting everything on the ballot in one place, here's what we have:
Proposed by Initiative Petition
Initiative Measure No. 1185
(Retain supermajority to raise taxes) - NO
Proposed by Initiative Petition
Initiative Measure No. 1240
(Approve charter schools) - NO
Passed by the Legislature and Ordered Referendum by Petition
Referendum Measure No. 74
(Marriage Equality) - APPROVED*
Proposed to the Legislature and Referred to the People
Initiative Measure No. 502
(Decriminalize and regulate marijuana) - YES
Proposed to the People by the Legislature
Amendment to the State Constitution
Engrossed Senate Joint Resolution No. 8221
(Changing debt collection and definition of general state revenues) - REJECTED
Proposed to the People by the Legislature
Amendment to the State Constitution
Senate Joint Resolution No. 8223
(Allow Washington universities to invest in private companies and stock) - REJECTED
Advisory Vote of the People
Advisory Vote No. 1
Engrossed Senate Bill 6635
(Close a Loophole) - MAINTAINED
Advisory Vote of the People
Advisory Vote No. 2
Substitute House Bill 2590
(Extend a tax on oil companies) - MAINTAINED
King County
Proposition No. 1
Regular Property Tax Levy for Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) Services
(What it says) - APPROVED
President and Vice President of the United States
Barack Obama and Joe Biden
United States Senator
Maria Cantwell
United State Representative Congressional District No. 9
Adam Smith
Jay Inslee
Lieutenant Governor
Bill Finkbeiner
Secretary of State
Kathleen Drew and Kim Wyman
State Treasurer
Jim McIntire
State Auditor
Troy Kelley
Attorney General
Bob Ferguson
Commissioner of Public Lands
Peter J. Goldmark
Insurance Commissioner
Mike Kreidler
Legislative District No. 11
State Senator
Bob Hasegawa
Legislative District No. 11
Representative Position No. 1
Jim Flynn
Legislative District No. 11
Representative Position No. 2
Steve Berquist
King County
Steve Strachan
State Supreme Court
Sheryl Gordon McCloud**
Superior Court
Judge Position No. 42
Christopher A. Washington.
City of Kent
Proposition No. 1
Levy to Support Kent Parks and Street
(Yeah, that) - APPROVED.
More later, but right now I need a bit of a lie down.
* So while I was writing this list up last night, I got a robo-poll from a group called "Preserve Marriage" or something like it. My choices were: Punch 1 to maintain marriage as one man and one woman, or Punch 2 to redefine marriage. No third choice was offered, so I punched 2. Apparently it was the right answer, since it quickly told me that was the end of the questionnaire. So you get a robocall like this, you can get out of it easily by punching 2, even though you're not redefining, you're recognizing. Pah-TAY-toe, Pah-TAH-toe.
**MASSIVE ERROR - I put the wrong candidate down here initially. See the Law and Order entry for the reasoning.Thanks to Wolf for catching it.
PS - And Furthermore, My friend and Tolkien Scholar Sacnoth is writing up his views as well.
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