OK, this is to see if I can embed video here. It seems like all the cool kids are doing it:
Someone dropped this in my in-basket and I really liked it. And it just seems like it is the opening credits for a new comedy about twenty-somethings debuting on Thursday night on NBC.
More later,
Update: Man, this song and the video has been following me all day. The song because it's a pretty catchy ditty, but what underscored it was the "meet the band" video. The band is called Dealership, by the way, and I don't have any idea if the members of the group are like their supposed filmed avatars. But by the end of the day I had turned them into the NBC sitcom I mentioned, and here is who they are:
Ray is the guy at the start of the video. Lives in a hotel because his most recent girlfriend threw him out of the house for sleeping around (note woman's underwear in scene, but no woman - she walked out on him as well). He's a hound. He sleeps all day and drums all night. He's a slacker, with no prospects, great dreams and no practicality at all.
Ari is the girl (napping in the forest with her keyboard? - its symbolix). Free spirit, smarter than she looks, always has the right answer, wise though innocent. Music is her way of cracking the code of life. Weirdness magnet - stuff happens to her and she sees nothing wrong with it. She writes the lyrics, effortlessly. She is a seeker.
Sam is the office drone. Hates the job, drinks his lunch, keeps his job through sheer bureaucratic inertia. The rational one, the one trying to live a "Real Life", and therefore the one with most pressure on him. He writes the music, and for him it is an effort every step of the way.
Those are the characters. Sam has a house, Ari lives in the attic in her own private wonderland, Ray probably moves in by the end of the first episode. They are all strugglers, but everything comes together when they play, and the band is the redeeming factor in their world - sort of like in Hard Days Night (The only time the Fab Four are in control of their lives is when they are playing). Ray and Ari probably had a thing way back, but are more friends who are protective/jealous of new relationships. Ari is Ray's muse, and often has the immediately correct answer while Sam has to struggle for it. Ray figures he has a sweet thing and strives to keep the balance between the two that lets him slack. If they become a real couple, he's out of a place to live. If the band breaks up, he's out of job.
Anything missing? Probably need a sound tech - the weird old guy in the Mini. Sixties survivor, says things like "I suppose that makes me the adult supervision around here - yep, we're all damned to hell!".
Anyway, I needed to get this out before it ate me alive. If it turns into a real show (like maybe Ken Levine pitches it), be sure to drop off my part of the cut. You know where to find me.
More later,
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