I have a new short story up on the Wily Writers site. Wily Writers makes electro-published speculative fiction available on the mojo wire, and my story, "Happily Ever After", is available both as text and read by the talented Scott McGough, who in addition to having a warm, reassuring voice, has written more than his share of Magic: The Gathering Novels over the years.
For other writers who this missive reaches, the Wily Writers site is an excellent place to engage in the act of the short story. Editor Angel Leigh McCoy picks a topic for the month as a "jump ball" and at the end of the month the site picks the top two contenders for publication. They are just closing out "Alienation" as their February reading topic, and next up is "Flash" fiction (what we used to call short-shorts back in the day - fiction under 1000 words). Back in January, the topic was "Paranormal Romance". I had an idea and crafted it into the story you see (or hear) on the site.
Check out Wily Writers, and check out my take on paranormal romance. Yes, I'm being cagey about what its about exactly - just go and enjoy.
More later,
Triglyceride Deluge in Metabolic Syndrome
And we’re back with our journey in understanding Metabolic Syndrome, this
time with its influence with Triglycerides. Let’s start with […]
The post Trigl...
2 weeks ago