Very well. For the past two weeks I have mercilessly slogging through the ballot up here on Grubb Street, and have discovered a number of interesting things in the process, like the dimension of the Soos Creek Water District and the nature of those opaque Advisory Votes. Oddly, the Advisory Votes section has gotten the most number of hits so far, so other people are looking as well.
Below are the summarized recommendations from this blog, put together in one place for your convenience, right before the last weekend before the voting closes. It has been noted that the early returns this year, which may indicate either a) fewer people are voting in an election that doesn't have national repercussions, and/or b) people are still trying to make up their minds.
This is not the only place to find recommendations. The Muni League rates most of the candidates north of but not including Kent. The Voters' Guide will assure you which candidates are not axe-murderers, but, alas, not which ones have been arrested for stealing from their own mothers. Those with more of liberal bend can find the Progressive endorsements here, while those with more conservative in the political DNA can weep with the Seattle Times, whose editorial board tends to weigh all options equally before choosing the one that is most pro-business and anti-union. Those who want snark and bong humor with their insights are directed to the Stranger.
If you are interested in my logic, you can find the earlier posts here. Here's what we have:
I-517 - The Inititative Protection Initiative - Vote NO
I-522 - The GMO Labling Initiative - Vote YES
Advisory Votes 3-7 - Vote Maintained
King Count Charter Amendment No 1 - Vote Yeah. Not an enthusiastic Yeah, but Yeah.
King County Proposition No 1 , Medic One - Vote Approved
King County Executive - Dow Constantine
Metropolitan King County Council District No. 5 - Dave Upthegrove.
Port of Seattle Position No. 1 - John Creighton
Port of Seattle Position No. 2 - Courtney Gregroire
Port of Seattle Position No. 3 - Michael Wolfe
Port of Seattle Position No. 4 - Tom Albro
City of Kent, Mayor - Suzette Cooke
City of Kent, Council Position No. 2 - David Wade Schwartz
City of Kent, Council Position No. 6 - Bailey Stober
Kent School District No. 415, Director District No. 5 - Maya Vengadasalam
Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Position No. 2 - Darold R. Stroud
Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Position No. 3 - Gary G Cline
Public Hospital District No. 1, Commissioner No. 3 - Barbara J Drennan
Public Hospital District No. 1, Commissioner No. 5 - Sue Bowman
And that's it for Grubb Street. Of course, I DO have opinions on stuff I CAN'T Vote for, and a lot of bits and pieces, but that is More Later kinda thing.
Triglyceride Deluge in Metabolic Syndrome
And we’re back with our journey in understanding Metabolic Syndrome, this
time with its influence with Triglycerides. Let’s start with […]
The post Trigl...
2 weeks ago