Saturday, December 29, 2007
Technical Feedback
I've been getting email into the Grubbstreet address (see right) that the pictures are not showing up on other people's machines. If this is happening to you, then drop me a line, telling me machine and browser you're using. I think it is a comcast thing, but I'm not sure. Thank you for the interruption, and I'll be back to ranting soon.
More later,
Friday, December 28, 2007
Rise of an Empire
I have mentioned here before that I was working on a game with Blue Byte Software in Düsseldorf - Settlers: Rise of an Empire. My contribution has been story, continuity, and cut screen scripts, similar to my work with ArenaNet. The game has been released, and did quite well in Europe, but was much quieter on this side of the Atlantic (where there is a lot more attention to Assassin's Creed, also by parent company UbiSoft).
That's a pity, because I thought the concept was really cool, and I appreciate all the work by the brilliant team, including Benedikt Grindel, Andreas Suika, and Alex Brueggemann (who were my main contacts in a very long-distance work relationship).
But I was surprised to learn that we (meaning the game) had picked up no less than six awards for the German Developer Prize, including "Game of the Year", and, my fave "Best Cutscene Intros". That last one made me particularly happy, since I thought they turned out great (One friend, looking over my shoulder during the development, said he would BUY the game based on the cutscenes).
L to R: Benedikt, Pepe (graphics artist), Andreas, Alex, Ralf Wirsing (director of Ubisoft Germany) and presenter Arne Peters.
Congratulations to the team, and delighted to see that Settlers: Rise of an Empire has gotten its well-deserved props!
More later,
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Xmas Xhaustion
The holidays can be a hectic times, even for those without kids or close relations near at hand. In our case, we spent the last few days wrapping up last-minute Christmas shopping, preparing for the Grand Holiday Feast, and cleaning. Lots and lots of cleaning. I think we hold parties primarily as an excuse to clean up the house. I think it's the first time I vacuumed in the home office since the LAST major shindig, and I was surprised to discover I actually have a rug underneath all my clutter.
I did I have a chance to break away and attend Monkey King and Shelly's Christmas Eve. It was a haven of LJ bloggers - Sigtrent, Oni Anne, Freeport Pirate, Nikchik, MysticalForest, TrueUnicorness, and the everpresent LittleElfHat. Met Quizro for the first time (Hi, Wade!). It was fun (conversation was made, lives were updated, absinthe was studiously avoided), but I had to get back to the house, where the lovely bride was in the grips of fighting the cheescake for the Grand Holiday Feast.
Ah, the Grand Holiday Feast - Made less stressful by the aid of the attendees. Bill and Miko brought mini-calzone hot pockets. Wolf and Shelly brought a waldorf salad. John and Janice brought peas. We provided the turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and rolls, as well as rumaki appetizers and cranberry cheesecake and (Death by) chocolate cake). There was a plethora of champagne, wine, desert wines, and hot tea with the meal. With all the aid, it was a lot less stressful than usual, and thank you to the guests. My only regret is that we let the 24 pound bird stay in the over about a half-hour too long so that it was tasty but not a succulent as in years past(but the gravy made up for part of that). Bonus points for the fact that we got Christmas snow - a light dusting during the day that melted by the time it was time for everyone to go home.
All said and done, it is all said and done, and I am exhausted, still waddling around the house and feeling heavy-headed. I hope this is the result of a sin of commission (imbibing too much) as opposed to a sin of omission (not taking better care of myself while cleaning everything).
More later, and Happy Boxing Day.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Bless Us All, Everyone
Peace on earth, and to all peoples, good will.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Soon afterwards, the Lovely Bride needed a machine to access some web sites (her iMac dates from before the millennium). Instead of doing the smart thing (getting a new machine), we chose to slave my broken machine into service. Which means I had to attempt to get the machine repaired (which was interesting, but, alas, a failure), then hook it up to another monitor (which took a little longer, since the monitor in question was also stone-age tech).
And after it was all said and done, the sound went dead. Further mounting frustration. In attempting to make repairs, did I kill something important on the sound card? I checked the various control panels and programs and, as far as they were concerned, it should work. So I felt even crankier about it - not only had I fobbed off a blind machine on the Lovely Bride, but a deaf one as well. It was as if the machine was purposefully seeking its revenge on me.
Then, in the past week, the LB started to hear faint sounds from the machine. Nothing definite, but small pings and sounds from the web sites.
Now I was driven to full-bore madness - not only had I given my bride a busted machine, but NOW it was somehow healing itself and trying to communicate (the other option was that the LB was experiencing dementia, an option discussed and reluctantly discarded). It was a technological ghost, a condemnation of my inability to repair it. So I sat down one more time with my old foe, and strove to figure out what I missed this time.
And it was at that point I found a little disk on the side of the machine, with faint numbers far enough apart that they didn't show up. And spinning the dial, the computer left the world of the mute and rejoined the world (to the tune of Nowhere Man by the Beatles). The Lovely Bride had jostled the dial moving the machine around. Yet finally, I had triumphed over it. And so just for good measure, I got her set up with iTunes as well.
But now I'm angry with myself for screwing up and not catching this sooner. Argh.
And speaking of the Beatles - Here, enjoy this.
More later,
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Loud and Clear
Clear Channel is a big, though not in Hollywood. They are a radio and billboard conglomerate, owning 1,100 radio stations, 30 TV stations, and a good chunk of that roadside signage you see on the highway. They have been powerful with their conservative slant and support for the current administration.
So it is with surprise that I came across the fact that they are now owned by a private equity firm, Bain Capital. They bought them last year.
Now here's the interesting bit, Bain Capital was founded by three partners, one of whom was presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Odd how this doesn't get mentioned anywhere. Now, mind you, Romney has officially left Bain, but there is this Cheney/Haliburton vibe going that no one has seemed to pick up (compare it to the horrors expressed over the fact the Murdoch/FOX has a marked preference for Guiliani).
None of this is "news" - just came across it when digging through the wikipedia about ownership (Oh, other cool thing - Romney was president/CEO for the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City - good job, that (No, seriously)). It is hiding in plain sight. But no one seems to connect that one of the companies that has benefited from media consolidation has a strong connection with a major contender.
More later,
Monday, December 17, 2007
More from the Flood
Anyway, the flood from a few weeks back. While I noted that we were pretty safe up on the hill, down in the Renton Valley things were a tad bit dicier. Most of the localized flooding we got was the result of storm sewers being clogged up by debris and massive rains, but it was still pretty impressive. These filmmakers got some good shots outside of the local IKEA, where the road was overwhelmed (and the businesses were slightly higher up. (And here's a clip of Snoqualmie Falls - known best for the site of the hotel in "Twin Peaks").
Also, down in the Chehalis area, the Seattle Times is reporting that Weyerhauser, the big lumber operation, is re-examining its policies, seeing how it clearcut a bunch of hillsides that were officially too steep, but for which they got permission after a company geologist vouched that they was safe. Now that a good chunk of those hillsides have washed into downtown Centralia, they're having second thoughts about the wisdom of that move (and the geologist who gave the thumb's-up should be relocated to Phoenix by now).
And lastly, the flood did have an effect on my local commute. Part of I-405, the chunk between routes 167 and 169, was severely undercut by a sinkhole (yeah,, you heard right, a sinkhole and requires emergency repairs. Said repairs involve lane closures and are definitely screwing up the daily transportation, mainly because travel options are relatively infinite for the chunk of land between the foothills and the lake. The Times takes due notice, then goes back to campaigning for more coolness for I-520. Ah, well.
More later,
More later,
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Memes for Sunday
Your Score: The Cat
You scored 55% domestic, 33% gregarious, 39% trickster, and 55% intellect!

Domestic, Solitary, Serious, Intelectual: you are the Cat!
Cat represents a balance of strength in both physical and spiritual, psychic and sensual powers, merging these two worlds into one. Curious, intelligent, and physically adept, cat people tend to live in a world all their own.
This test categorized you based on four different axes of personality, which were then associated with a different animal. The four axes, as well as all possible results are explained below.
Wild/Domestic: This first axis categorizes you based on how much you are drawn to the outdoors, versus how much you are drawn to civilized situations. Domesticity has many shapes and forms, and varies from the joy of dolphins leaping next to a ship to the steadfast loyalty of a family dog.
Gregarious/Solitary: This axis measures how solitary you are. If you scored high, it means that you enjoy the company of other people, while a low score indicates that you prefer a more solitary lifestyle.
Trickster/Serious: This axis measures how well you line up with conventional trickster archetypes. People who fall into this archetype have a sense of humor and an excitable, highly chaotic streak. Scoring low doesn't mean that you don't have a sense of humor; it just means that you probably don't think dynamite is very funny.
Intellectual/Emotional: This last axis determines whether you are more emotional -- acting based on feelings and instinct, or rational and intelectual -- acting more on thought than on your gut feelings.
Link: The Animal Archetype Test written by crumpetsfortea on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
Plus - Crud, It turns out that I'm Elminster.
I Am A: Lawful Good Human Wizard (7th Level)
Ability Scores:
Lawful Good A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. He combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. He tells the truth, keeps his word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion. However, lawful good can be a dangerous alignment because it restricts freedom and criminalizes self-interest.
Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.
Wizards are arcane spellcasters who depend on intensive study to create their magic. To wizards, magic is not a talent but a difficult, rewarding art. When they are prepared for battle, wizards can use their spells to devastating effect. When caught by surprise, they are vulnerable. The wizard's strength is her spells, everything else is secondary. She learns new spells as she experiments and grows in experience, and she can also learn them from other wizards. In addition, over time a wizard learns to manipulate her spells so they go farther, work better, or are improved in some other way. A wizard can call a familiar- a small, magical, animal companion that serves her. With a high Intelligence, wizards are capable of casting very high levels of spells.
Find out What Kind of Dungeons and Dragons Character Would You Be?
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Post Office
So this morning I was up early to get to the Post Office to get their gifts on their way. I brought a book, because if there is one thing about the Post Office in the holiday period, there will be a line.
And such a line. The PO opened at 9, and there was a line of some forty people, queuing politely (the Brits would be SO jealous), curling around the outer office. There was despair among the peoples. And then technology rode to the rescue.
A polite young postmistress came out and pointed out that there was package-mailing kiosk available there, unattended, in the lobby, and if anyone was interested, she would walk them through the process. Like suspicious great apes, none of the patrons budged from their line, save for one woman with a package. And I got in line behind HER.
And for all of the complaints about modern tech, whoever programmed the automated postal center did a bang-up job. The menus were clear, the information they asked for was easily understood, and the buttons on the touch-screen were big enough for hands not used to text messaging. In ten minutes, I was out the door, my parental presents on their way.
Dealing with Post Office is one of the challenges of the holiday season, and full marks to the Post Office for making it less so.
Of course, I got home, and realized that I left the BOOK I brought behind on top of the machine, and had to go back, but that is hardly the Post Office's fault.
More later,
Friday, December 14, 2007
The Coming Storm - Dems
Clinton: Well, she already knows all the good hiding places in the White House (Kah-dum-Pah!) And she already comes pre-investigated (Bah-dum-Pah!) And how about bringing Bill back - which is scarier, him as a good-will ambassador overseas or having tea with the congressional wives? (Rimshot! Thank you! I'll be here all week!)
OK, seriously, the greatest danger of this more-moderate Dem is that she will leave in place a lot of the power-grabbing debacles that the previous administration have come up with. Slow drawdown on the Iraqi occupations, further erosion of Constitutional Rights, keeping the candy-colored "Terror" button on her desk.
What I am having a problem buying is the sudden concern about "dynasty" government offices. Not only because we just had a third-generation government type in office (and look how well THAT worked out), but that the media is similarly ignoring that one of the "New Hotness" Reps, Mitt (short for Mittens) Romney is the son of Michigan Governor and former GOP candidate George Romney. If we're worrying about Pols in the family business, why has no one brought this up (And for that matter, where was all the concern about G. Romney's religion back in '68, when HE ran for Prez).
Let me explain the appeal about Obama, because it is a uniquely Democrat thing. It is not about youth or race or messages of hope. The big attraction to Obama is: He gave a great speech. No, really, back in 2004, at the Democratic Convention. I can think of no other place where you can suddenly put yourself on the map as a major contender just because of a single speech. Cuomo, Dukakis, Muskie - you really wonder where the Dems come up with candidates like these - it is because they gave a great speech. It's the Democratic party's version of American Idol.
On ethnicity, we have no one to blame for this other than FOX. No, I'm serious. "24" gave us not one but two African-American presidents in a row, reaching out to America and saying "Yeah, anyone can be president, if Jack Baur is hanging around to help". Good going, FOX.
And Edwards. I was a caucus candidate for him last time, and I have been paying attention to what he's been saying, and liking what I've heard. Most likely of the three to disassemble the hulking monster of federal oversight and overreach we've seen. He is very much the populist reformer he projects. But he does come out of the kit labled "Leaders of the New South". Every time a southern democrat succeeds, we talk about the "New South" - Carter's Georgia, Clinton's Arkansas, and had Gore taken office, we would have heard about Tennessee as the "New South". Well, at least it has been more successful than "Liberals from the North-East", which seems to be the other note the party likes to hit (Hey guys, how about "Guys from the West Coast?" What, the time-change too much for you?)
That's about it. Like I say, I'll be voting for one of the guys, since on their worst day they are more thoughtful than, say, Fred Thompson and more charismatic than Ron Paul. But I will point out, in Clinton's case, with the Writer's Strike, Leno and Letterman can run shows from ten years ago and no one will notice the difference (Kah-bash! Thank you! Remember to tip your waitress!)
More later,
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Coming Storm - GOP
I's Got No Idea.
But I look at the GOP frontrunners and I do shake my head. The conventional wisdom is that the Republicans are looking forward to tough sledding because of the massive unpopularity of the present administration in regards to practically everything, coupled with a scandal du jour sleezefest that ranges from the merely perverse to the constitutionally illegal. But I don't think this is really the cause for the lack of traction the current field exhibits.
Rather, here's the prob: The GOP field consists of Democrats. Not only that, they are Democrats that we have seen before.
Don't believe me? Here are some brief descriptions of the front runners.
- Tough-talking, scandal-prone, relationship-challenged New Yorker who is unapologetic on support for the war.
- Flip-flopping politician from liberal Massachusetts with questions of religious loyalty and nuanced views of earlier statements.
- Just-folks, weight-challenged, former Governor of Arkansas who radiates common sense but may have errors of judgment from his term in office.
What party am I talking about, here? No wonder most of the rank-and-file is having problems. These are the guys they have been programmed to hate for the past eight years. All they need is a details-oriented, wonky intellectual with a Nobel Prize for saying things they don't want to hear, and they'll have the full set of Democratic bogey-men.
Looking at that, you can see the appeal of gimmicky candidates like Thompson (TV lawyer) or Ron Paul (blimp and a lot of signage). I miss the fact that the media has pretty much written off McCain, who always reminded me of John Glenn in that "real American hero" vibe. Can we run a 1990s version of him?
More later,
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Putting the Band Back Together
My band is Quimby Pipe Organs and our new album is Adrian Riggs.
- Shadows of the Sun
- Allied Tooling
- The Dharma of Star Wars
- Fitzsimmons-Guilbert syndrome
- The Whalestoe Letters
- Taitao Peninsula
- Jim Krebs
- Vernon K. Smith
- Jamaica walnut
- Ediacaran biota
- West Australian Football Commission
- Araeophalla
- Furusato
- Karol J. Bobko
- Petachiah of Ratisbon
This was autogenerated from random Wikipedia article names. Get your own Wikipedia Album.
© 2007 Barbara Davies Records Limited. Recorded at John Stallo studios. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Barbara Davies Records Limited, an Elizabeth Of Vermandois company.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Red State Sam
But the area is also the home of Red State Sam, one of the more polite terms I've seen used for a billboard alongside one of the I-5 exits. Red State Sam is a big billboard with outsider art picture of Uncle Sam that looks like he's been cooking up meth, with an offensive, ever changing political scrawl. The screed is usually against democrats, bureaucrats, state government, national government, government in any form, immigrants, the UN, and black helicopters, and is pretty much the best encouragement for people NOT to stop along this stretch of road.
The raison d'etre for this long-standing bit of antic hate speech actually makes sense - I-5 plowed through the original owner's farm, and ever since, he used the location as his personal free speech area, inflicting his views on anyone who passed and pretty much convincing those passing through to just keep on passing through. When the original owner sold the original farm he kept an easement to let him keep the sign, and with his passing, his son has picked up the torch. Red State Sam shows up in the news every so often to show that "free speech is alive" usually quoting his less-offensive captions.
But with all the footage of the flood, I've been thinking about Red State Sam, and most of all his absence from any of the footage that has made the news. He's the closest thing to the scenic highpoint of the region, but I've seen nary a shot from any of the cams, and not a mention on youtube. Is he gone, or does his anti-government hate-fest not play as well as people have mobilized at a personal, corporate, state and now national level to bring relief to the people living there? When you're trying to get people to help, the crazy old uncle shouting about Mexicans and the Masons isn't really an attraction.
Where have you gone, Red State Sam? The nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
More later,
Update: The challenge that Chehalis and Lewis County faces is not one that will ebb away with the next big story to hit the region. I've been keeping track with this link to the local paper, the Chronicle. It has been doing the best job laying out the devastation and response. Go check it out.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
More on the Flood
Not everyone in the region is so fortunate. Woodinville, just north of where Shelly in Seattle lives, took a hard hit, and people were flooded out of their homes. And I-5 itself is flooded down by Chehalis, about an hour south of us. (You're looking at the bridge OVER I-5 in that shot). I-5 is one of the two major highways into the region (The other being I-90, over the passes, which are sporadic as the winter months set in and closed by avalanches). So there is already a bit of tightness in supplies getting into the region.
And in the midst of this, I started wondering about the levees in Auburn, Kent, and Renton. The Green River was channeled a few decades back, and the surrounding region has been heavily developed since. A little digging came up with this, detailing how King County got a major chunk of restoration work done right before the storm hit. I'm still digging to see what else I can come up with, but so far it seems that the levees down here are holding.
Interestingly enough, the week before the storm, there was this article and others of its stripe about FEMA's expanding the definition of the floodplain along the Green and elsewhere, cast in terms of "Oh, big government, is evil, keeping us from developing our land". Has anyone gone back there recently to see if there is any standing water on those properties now?
More later,
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
The Big Six
The studios have moved past stage one - "We refuse to negotiate!" to stage two - "Here's a horrible offer which we're telling you is great!" Next in line should be stage three - the Confusing Offer, one so ornate and baroque that only the corporate lawyers can figure it out. Meanwhile, the buzz in Hollywood is surprisingly not when the various writers will cave and cross the picket lines, but which of the Big Six will break ranks and seek a separate deal.
I mentioned the Big Six last time out, and did a little research on who these guys were and, more importantly, what they owned. They are the big-headed wizards behind a LOT of media product that we consume every day. Is it any wonder that the writers have had to seek out alternative media to get their message out? The bigger question is, with all this concentrated power, why have the major media players been so BAD at getting their message across (perhaps, if I may suggest, it is a really sucky message).
Here are the Bigs:
Image: Walt's Still In Charge
Reality: We own your childhood. Do what we say and no one gets hurt.
Owns: ABC, ABC Family, Walt Disney Studios, Walt Disney Distribution, Disney Channel, ESPN, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, Pixar, Jetix, Touchstone, Hollywood Pictures, Miramax, Dimension Films, Jumbo Pictures, Lifetime (50%), A&E (37.5% - includes A&E. The History Channel, The Biography Channel), Citadel Broadcasting (which owns ABC Radio, but is in turn 57% owned by Disney stockholders), Disney-ABC Domestic Television, Hyperion Publishing, Infoseek,, Jim Henson’s Muppets, Mammoth Records, Hollywood Records, Avalanche Software, Propaganda Games, Fall Line Studios, Junction Point Studios (Hi, Warren!), CrossGen comics, 10 TV Stations (reaching 24% of US households).
Image: The Pros from Atlanta
Reality: Used to control cable news, before the dark time, before the Murdoch.
Owns: HBO, Cinemax, HBO Films, Turner Broadcasting System, Adult Swim, Cartoon Network, Court TV, TBS Superstation, TNT, TCM, WTBS, CNN, E! (49%), Airport Network, Headline News, Toonami Jetstream, New Line Cinema, New Line Distribution, Warner Bros., Castle Rock Entertainment, The WB (deceased) CW Television Network, (with CBS), Hanna Barbara, Looney Tunes, Kids WB!, Time Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Fortune, Cooking Light, Sports Illustrated, Eidos, Monolith, AOL, Moviephone, CompuServe, Netscape, MapQuest Atlanta Records, Rhino Records, (but oddly enough, NOT Time Warner Book Group, which was purchased by Hachette Livre, the largest book company in France), DC Comics, Time Warner Cable, Adelphia (13 million subscribers to its cable systems), the Atlanta Braves.
Image: Scrappy in-your-face success story
Reality: Catering to your baser instincts for two decades now.
Owns: 20th Century Fox, 20th Century Fox Television, Fox Searchlight Pictures, Regency Television (50%), Fox Broadcasting, MySpace Records, MyNetworkTV, ITV (British, 17.5%), Fox Business Network, Fox Classics, Fox Sports Net, Fox News Channel, FX Networks, National Geographic Channel (67%), MySpace, Photobucket,, HarperCollins (30+ Book imprints), The Sun, The Times, News of the World, New York Post, The Weekly Standard, Wall Street Journal, TV Guide (running THAT one into the ground), Buncha Australian Newspapers, Colorado Rockies (15%), 35 TV Stations (reaching 50% of US households).
Image: Not nearly as important as you'd think.
Reality: Yeah, just as important as you'd think.
Owns: MTV, VH1,CMT, Comedy Central, BET, Spike, Paramount, Dreamworks, Spelling Television, Go Fish Pictures, Republic Pictures, MTV Films, Nickelodeon, Nick at Night, Neopets, Harmonix, GameTrailers, TVLand, Blockbuster video. But get ready for the shell game – majority Viacom ownership belongs to an unknown firm called National Amusements, which also owns CBS (including CW (with Time/Warner),) 28 television stations, CBS Records, CBS Radio, Showtime, Simon & Schuster) and Midway Games. National Amusements is totally owned by Sumner Redstone and his daughter.
Image: Technologists - we bring good things to life.
Reality: Just like Dr. Frankenstein did.
Owns: NBC, 10 TV Stations, Universal Studios, NBC Sports, A&E (with Disney, others), Bravo, CNBC (With Dow Jones), MSNBC (with Microsoft), Sci Fi Channel, Sundance (minority), USA Network, Telemundo, TiVo (minority), qubo, ION Media Network, Universal theme parks.
Image: Nothing to see here. Just doin' our jobs.
Reality: Sony. That sounds like an American name, right?
Owns: Sony Pictures, Columbia Pictures, TriStar Pictures, Screen Gems, Destination Films, Triumph Films, Sony Pictures Television, Mandalay Entertainment (partial), MGM, United Artists, Samuel Goldwyn Company, Orion Pictures, MGM Television, Columbia Records, Epic Records, Sony Computer Entertainment (PlayStation), Sony Online Entertainment (Everquest), Semiconductors, Half of Japan.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that GE and Sony would break ranks first, if only because they have major investments in other areas, so any subsidiary sitting idle would represent a loss of overall profitability. Then again, maybe Rupert Murdoch may REALLY Be missing new episodes of "The Family Guy".
More later,
Monday, December 03, 2007
And this morning, two days after emptying it, I had to empty it again. We have received 5 inches of rain in the last 48 hours here on Grubb Street.
But we are up on a hill, so that's not too bad. And we are away from the edges of the hill, which is even better (yes, those two factors were a consideration when we bought this place). But where I WORK is in a valley.
I may have mentioned this before, but my place of business is located in a very lush office park, where the buildings are up on concrete pylons and overlook the nearby slough. I have called it "The Ewok Village", and it is my choice for location for my evil mad scientist lair, because NO ONE thinks about this place. but it IS right next to a series of canals and wetlands which is where all the rain for the past two days is draining.
But despite this, I headed for work this morning without thinking about the results of all the rain. I wasn't even off the hill before my cell rang and I got word from a co-worker that the office had been closed because of rising water. The office park management gave the order (with our group, as long as the servers were above water, we'd show up), and the management had already closed one of the two entrances to the park.
So it is a work-at-home day, with email connections and a mental note to get the VPN hooked up for this machine. And yeah, I should have remembered that just because I am up on a hill, doesn't mean everyone else is as well.
More later,
Saturday, December 01, 2007
So the Lovely Bride and I are making bread.
Gods, we are so domestic.
More later,
Friday, November 30, 2007
Play: Blue Bird
So the past Sunday, we (me, Lovely Bride, Lovely Bride's Mom) went to the Rep where we were in a half-full house for Birdie Blue. Half-full? That's a little unusual.
Part of it I can blame on the Seattle Only-Mildly-Charitable Marathon (Which cut the connections between I-5 and the Seattle Center, such that I had to detour through Wallingford to get there), but I think part of it is that this is an odd duck of a play for the holiday season, a sad and kinda painful production.
Birdie Blue (Velma Austin) is an old woman in Chicago who is tending for her now-demented husband (William Hall, Jr.). Over the course of the play she slips into her memories and maybe into her delusions. The walls between what is real and what is memory, what is delusion and what is truth are weak at this stage, and time and place slips around. This feeling is aided by a brace of characters played by Sean Blake, and a set design which is not particularly helpful for determining the sense of place (is the window hanging at stage left existing in the real world, the past, or just the imagination?).
But to a greater degree, the play itself frustrates, moving between the various times with little warning, you are left putting the pieces together on the fly. When Blake first appears as playing a child, is he Birdie's child from an early marriage or a younger incarnation of Hall's mentally-disabled adult? He's the former, but you are wandering lost for a little while. Non-linear movement adds to the frustrations, and I am still trying to pin down what characters were where in Birdie's life.
But the acting is strong, much stronger than the play itself. Sean Blake in particular gets the chance to rock the house with a beautiful voice, while William Hall Jr. moves between sweet reason for living to wracked shell of a man. Velma Austina is masterful as Birdie herself, by turns damning and redeeming herself. And while the ending is telegraphed like Western Union (she packing for a trip, continual mention of the local funeral home), but when it comes it still twists the knife and it hurts. But that hurt is from the force of the acting, not the script itself - in weaker hands it would fall flat.
Oddly enough, the play sees thematic competition from the very same building, where The Cook is still playing. Here we have another strong ethnic woman moves through the course of her life with strong political, historical, and racial overlays. The acting is just as strong in both (the REP is blessed with strong female leads), but the underpinning isn't there in the writing itself. Add to this fact that the Intiman, just next door, is running its Christmas powerhouse, Black Nativity, and you've got three productions competing in a similar niche.
So good marks for the courage to go into a crowded field, and kudos to a small, passionate, incredibly talented cast that makes the play a heartbreaker. But the writing is the weakest link.
More later,
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The Producers
That's it. Six companies that make up the Association of Motion Picture and Television Producers. Six corporations that comprise the bulk of news and entertainment in this country. Calling them "the Studios" evokes images of Thalberg and Goldwyn and the golden age of Hollywood, but that's not these guys. Calling them "the Producers" calls up images of Gene Wilder and Zero Mostel (sorry, for you modern kids Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane) selling 350% of the ownership of "Cavemen", but that's not accurate, either. These are big companies that generate their own weather and ecosystems. It's a tough sell to portray them as the innocents here.
When the writers' struck in '88, there were some 40 members of the AMPTP. Now there are six companies that dominate it. That's what they're talking about with media consolidation. A few weeks back the FCC held, with very little notice, hearings in Seattle to talk about making matters even worse. The meeting ran until 1 in the morning, with almost everyone opposing it. The board listened, checked who was funding their campaigns, and promptly voted to allow more media consolidation.
Of course you heard about it. Well, no, you probably didn't, since the people giving you the news on it would be the same big companies that would get bigger. And similarly, most of the decent coverage of this strike are coming through non-standard channels, which the big companies do not control as directly (yet).
And it has pretty much worked - the corporations are back at the negotiating table much sooner than anyone expected. The writers (with loud support from the actors) have maintained a high profile, stayed on-message, and have rallied a great deal of public support (both local Hollywood and the various fan bases). Now everything goes quiet as both sides can't talk about what they are talking about, but it is a start.
Nikki Finke continues to do good reporting (Note the article on how the AMPTP has sacked their PR person). United Hollywood continues to be a great source from the striker's side. Their latest is the speechless video, which, as all things worth watching, has Bill Macy in it.
And Variety, which is a little behind the times (and more on the corporate side), notes how writers are seeking other opportunities in comics and video games. Comic fans of course know that TV writers have been regulars in the comic scene for years (Kevin Smith, Joss Whedon). And "vidgames" (as they call it) tend to use in-house folk, which sort of undercuts their point as well. But they do quote Flint Dille, TSR ex-pat and brother of my former boss Lorraine Williams. Small world.
Oh, and the Internet, 24, the Writer's Stike, and LOLCats all combine here. It is a perfect storm of comedy.
More later,
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
On The Road Again: Scramble
"I don't live in Renton, and neither should you."
Watching the local political and media landscape heave and buckle in the wake of the defeat of the unified road/transit proposition has been illuminating and educational, if nothing else. It seems to have broken down into "Never mind the bollocks, fix my roads first". The rail folk are convinced that a rail-only proposal will sail past the electorate without problems, while the pave-to-the-grave crowd is banging the drum loudly about how everything is going to hell unless we replace everything, immediately, and damned to the consequences.
Case in point, the Seattle Times, which used its bully pulpit to campaign longly and loudly against Prop 1, but upon its defeat has been whining equally loudly about the dire state of the 520 bridge and how (horrors!) it might become a toll bridge in order to pay for its replacement. Surely there must be an easier solution that doesn't involve people using the service paying for it, isn't there?
Hence the Westneat column. Why, there's money right OVER THERE, being used for widening the I-405 (which, as readers know, is stressed out for most of the day, and with the growing success of Renton and Bellvue, is only going to get worse). We approved that cash five years ago, and now we're in desperate danger of actually DOING something with it. Quick! Let's rob from the South to fix our immediate problem!
The funny thing is, that Westneat leads off the column with a note about how no one thinks about the (more dangerous of falling down) viaduct anymore, and then proceeds to (you guessed it) ignore the viaduct in order to push the absolute necessity of replacing and upgrading this critical link for the North-of-Seattle to North-of-Belluve commute.
Sorry, Times. Go find your own revenue stream. The 405 expansion is necessary for the very growth that your Business section rah-rahs about (you guys should chat). Maybe you should embrace the idea of tolls, or (shudder) actually man up and raise licensing fees in order to pay for necessary repairs delayed by a penny-wise, pound-foolish approach to taxation.
Not to say that the 520 is not in need. It is, but ripping off Peter to pay Paul is not the way to do it, and fragments the taxpaying public further in what they consider to be "necessary repairs"
More later,
Update: It turns out (thank you Wikipedia) that the 520 WAS originally a toll bridge (those wide areas at the ends used as bus stops were originally where the toll booths were). Gee, I wonder why we moved away from THAT idea.
Update Update: Long-time Seattle resident Larry writes: "520's toll was IIRC, 35 cents, and once the bridge was paid for, it went down to 10 cents! Shortly after I started to drive, they took it down since it cost more to collect the toll, than the amount they were bringing in. The toll booths used to back up quite a ways during rush hour. Of course, it probably backs up much longer now! :)"
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
On The Road Again: The Ticket
On a Tuesday, I was locked up in jail
On a Wednesday, my trial was attested
On a Thursday, nobody would go my bail
-- Huddie (Leadbelly) Ledbetter
So I've been a little miserable for the past 24 hours, because I got a massive ticket. But I'm much better now.
Here's the story - the Renton police are heavily patrolling Kennydale neighborhood along Lake Washington Boulevard, which is a common alternate route because 405, as readers of this blog know, is an absolute crapfest. And yesterday morning, I saw a cop in a prowl car pull over a driver going the other direction.
And feeling glad that it wasn't me, I proceeded to California Stop the next stop sign, and the cop on the motor scooter wheeled out behind him and pulled me over. Busted.
(California Stop is also called a rolling stop . Yeah, you do it. You slow at the intersection, look both ways, and the gun it, the sudden speed making it feel like, in comparison, you made a real stop. Well, I did that, but did not happen to see the cop on the motor scooter, which sort of points out the weakness of this tactic).
And the cop pulls me over and is firm but friendly and asks me what I was thinking when I obviously violated the law and could I hand over my license, proof of ownership, and most current proof of insurance. I gave him the info and he went back to his scooter to check me out.
He came back much firmer and a little less friendly. The insurance card was expired. I said "no problem, I probably have the right one here," He stopped me and informed me that he had already written out the citation, which was an OFFICIAL COURT DOCUMENT (he said that a couple times, so it stuck), for me driving without insurance, but pointed out the number and the address on the form for the local traffic court and that I could get it knocked down if I presented proper documentation to THEM.
And through it all, I was in that creepy, kafkaesque limbo along the side of the road. The parking perp walk, where YOU are hauled off to the side, and all the OTHER traffic is moving past you, smirking that its not THEM. And you're stuck watching them, and seeing them do the self-same California Stop you were busted for.
Anyway, the moving violation was waived for the lack of insurance charge, and to prove otherwise I had to go to the court building sometime in the next 15 days to clear things up. So I'm not feeling my best, and when I see that the fine is listed a "550" I'm thinking the officer has bad handwriting, and meant to write
"$55.00", which is a bit much, but makes it worthwhile to go in and get reduced.
So I get the office (fully stopping at all stop signs)and call the number, and a cheerful young woman says, yes, you can get it knocked down if you bring in the right insurance document (which I had but failed to present when asked for) and pay a fee (not a fine) of $25. Oh, and the officer didn't have bad handwriting - the fine for driving without insurance was $550.
Which of course makes it well worth coming in. So I went down immediately, only to discover that "next fifteen days" meant "next fifteen days, but AFTER the paperwork cleared". So with dejection I spent most of the day is a cranky mood with a $550 bill hanging over my head.
And while I would love to spin this into a long story showing the horrible nature of bureaucracy and the poor common man caught in its vicelike grip, here's what really happened: On Tuesday I stopped in and paid the fee and got it cleared up. So the end result is that I spent a bit more time, but ducked a moving violation, and paid a small fee for doing not one but TWO stupid things in quick succession. Which really isn't that bad, justice-wise.
So the moral here?
- Make complete stops.
- Have your insurance Info handy.
- Make sure it is the right stuff. The officer stressed he wanted the most up-to-date info, and was in a "no-take-backs" mood. And I really can't get too hett up about that.
And when I drove up Lake Washington Blvd this morning, the same cop was there on his same scooter with ANOTHER car pulled over. And I drove carefully around them, but the officer didn't wave. But I was glad that it wasn't me.
Of course, I made a complete and full stop at the next stop sign.
More later,
Friday, November 23, 2007
Black Friday
Me, I'm staying home. Of all the strange things that I can eat, it is increasingly obvious that pie (PIE!) is not one of them. Its the shortening in the crust. Sigh.
Anyway, it turns out that I'm not the only person cheesed off about those "Life Takes Visa" ads. The link was forwarded by NikChick. Thanks!
[Update from the Future - once upon a time, there was a link to the "Life Takes Visa" ads. Then I got a note from getrichslowly,org (property of QuinStreet, Inc.) the owners of the site, saying the link no longer functioned, and would I remove the link. Oddly, the link still functioned, but I removed the link anyway. I found it interesting that an operation was cruising for 8 year old links, or that anyone was still reading stuff on this blog that was that old - 8/24/3015]
More later,
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Mushroom Dip (Janice)
The Wine: Cranberry Wine from Yakima
Brined Oven-Baked Turkey (from Me and Steve)
Mashed Potatoes (The Lovely Bride)
Sweet Potatoes (Shelly)
Stuffing (The Lovely Bride)
Home-Made Gravy (The Lovely Bride)
Home-Made Cranberry Sauce (Lovely Bride and Steve)
Cut Corn (John)
Stuffed Mushrooms (Shelly, but Wolf had to remind me)
Chive Chedder Rolls (The Lovely Bride)
Bacon Sage Corn Rolls (The Lovely Bride and Steve)
The Wine: Harvest White Rieslings
Chocolate Pudding Pie (Nardi)
Pumpkin Pie (The Lovely Bride)
Apple Pie (Janice)
Various Teas: (John)
The Wine: Various Ice Wines
And special appearance by Little Elf Hat, who is fascinated by our cats (Vickie was too imperious to approach, but Harley was a sponge for attention).
All in all, a very successful Thanksgiving meal. For everyone else, enjoy this.
More later,
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
More Tales from the City (I Haz Jetpack!)
But that really doesn't matter, because I Haz Jetpack!
OK, more City of Heroes stuff. When I was "let go" by CoH (the program upgraded to the point that my year-old machine could not handle it, leaving me with pictures of people's shadows on the screen), they had just added a CB Radio feature. Which is interesting from a storytelling point of view.
In CoH, most of the story is driven through missions, which consist of "Go talk to Contact X". You fight your way across the city (fighting purse-snatchers and zombie vivisectionists) to get to Contact X, and he gives you a couple missions, usually of the "Go beat up Y Vivisectionists" or "Go into this warehouse and beat up what's there"). After two or three missions, the contact/mission-giver gives you a new contact, and you continue the process.
So the CB Radio is a wrinkle on this - instead you have the mission-giver with you. You click it to find out what's happening, which is usually of the "Go into this warehouse and beat up what's there" variety. But after about three of these, there is a "special timed mission" that pops up (which I had not heard of, and my co-workers who understood were out to lunch). So I accept it, and then proceeded to muddle through something new.
First off, I went to the place I was supposed to go, but did not realize I had to click on the local police van in order to start the mission. Then I had to "protect the bank" which means I had to find the bank on the map. As I approached, the bank was being robbed (more vivisectionists - guys with skull masks in lab smocks that create zombies), and the first supervillain I've seen.
Now this is important - most of the "bosses" so far have been just another military guy or gang leader or robot. This was a chance to fight other spandex. I was unprepared and got killed, but had the "awaken" tchotchie that allows me to rez (resurrect) in place. So I get back and defeat the bad guy before he escapes the bank.
And then I am given fifteen minutes to run around the instanced area just beating up hoodlums for bonus points (and on occasion, extra time). At one point the phrase "key found" sprung up, which meant nothing to me, as did the various trucks, crates and cardboard boxes which I could not interact it. The timer gave the mission a little more intensity, but I had no clear idea what I was doing or if I was doing it right (and yeah, I DO read the text - that's part of the job).
But when I got out, I had a jetpack for about two hours of game time, which is sweet.
A jetpack is good at low levels because some of the better class of bad guy are on the top of buildings, and lacking flight, you have to run all the way up fire escapes to get there. And sometimes you get there and there is no one there. Jetpacks make checking out rooftops fun.
They also a good combat thing is that you get agro on a bunch of rooftop robots (get agro = get close enough to them that they attack you), then land on the street. Robots follow you, jumping off the tall building and taking damage as they fall. You are now fighting half-damaged robots, making the fight shorter. Stupid robots.
So right now I am spending all my time jetting around with my new temporary toy, and have to figure out how to get another one when the battery wears out. In the meantime, I Haz Jetpack!
More later,
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Local Politics: Final Count
But the quibble I will deal with here is that not all the votes can be counted in a timely manner. Since it all is based on postmark date, votes tend to dribble in (and be counted) after election day. Sometimes up to a week later.
Often this does not make a difference - the margins stay about the same, or they may close, but the winner usually remains the winner. There ARE a couple cases every year where the numbers flip, and that always leads to suspicion about the entire process (But ... but ... you SAID that Candidate X won! Were you lying then, or are you lying now?).
And this is particularly troublesome for King County, which is the state's largest county, and its late votes are larger than the vote tabulations from entire other counties entire populations (but don't tell tell them that - it only makes them peevish). It is always a little frustrating when reality doesn't match up with your personal reality.
Case in point, EHJR 4204, which was supposed to remove the supermajority requirement from school tax votes. If you remember, it was the only result that really disappointed me, as it was going down narrowly. Then the late returns came in, and it flipped from weak loss to reasonable win. So that's a good thing.
(Of course, the Radio Bombasts who looked at the initial results and declared that the people of Washington State were in a tax revolt heard the news and immediately declared that another election was stolen by their evil, evil tax-supporting librul foes. I don't think they even broke for station identification between the two thoughts.)
On the other hand, over in Port, lonely reformer Alec Fisken looked like he was going to stay in office despite a hardfought campaign by Bill Bryant (he of the Orca-insignia'd lawn signs). The last-moment mailer portraying Bryant as a just-folks Seattlite did the trick and he edged out Fisken. The Port celebrated by initiating an immediate tax increase, where outgoing Fisken was the lone commish to vote against it. Good going, voters (I don't think the Radio Bombasts picked up on this one at all).
Also amusing is watching the fallout from the rails and roads initiative, Prop 1. All sides have determined that the voters liked THEIR part of the package, but just hated everything else. So the 520 bridge repairs, a late addition that sucked up a third of the roads budget, MUST (according to the Seattle Times, who need it to make the commute) be repaired, while the Light Rail system will OBVIOUSLY have to be on the ballot by itself next year.
Good luck guys. If it doesn't involve a stargate a block away from my house, I'm going to be leery of the whole thing.
Oh, and one more thing - you can usually tell the losers in the election because their lawn signs are still cluttering up the highways. Yeah, its depressing, but it has been two weeks, now - clean 'em up! We need that space for Ron Paul signs!
More later,
Monday, November 19, 2007
I Belong to the City
I also re-installed my City of Heroes game and started playing again.
I never really abandoned City of Heroes - rather it abandoned me. I was an early player, and it was one of my first modern MMORPGs (No, don't try to pronounce it). And I enjoyed it greatly. Unlike most of the popular games, like Guild Wars and World of Warcraft, it did not follow the fantasy tropes but instead got into the comic book universe. So you're a hero in Paragon City (with an ornate character generation system so good that Marvel sued them over it), starting out fighting purse snatchers and working your way up to menaces like the Clockwork King.
But eventually, its upgrades got to the point where my machine (less than a year old) could no longer handle the graphic requirements, and I dropped out. And when I got a better machine, I was already in the grip of World of Warcraft and unwilling to spring either in time or price for multiple online addictions.
But I dropped from WoW and played a little with LotRO (Lord of the Rings Online), along with the ever-enjoyable Guild Wars (which is the day job as well), and didn't think about CoH. But now I loaded the darn thing back in over the weekend.
And it took 2 hours at highspeed rates to update the original program. After it was all said and done, it was like going back to your old neighborhood.
Mind you, CoH is now a mature online game, and looks it. There is more color on the streets in the form of signs and shops (relatively absent in the early draft). And there is some different behavior from the crooks. There is stuff that was added post-ship - badges and salvage and an auction house (Whoa! That wasn't there before).
And as as more mature game, things move a little faster at the lower levels. Drops (treasure) show up more often, and it feels like I am moving through the low levels more swiftly (part of this may be because I know the basics of MMORPGing by this time).
On the other hand, I could have sworn there were nazis in this game. Old fashioned nazis with the funky helmets. Did they go away, or was I just dreaming? And the "Lost", a group of the homeless turned supervillains - they seem to be in limited numbers as well - did the economy pick up and they all get jobs, to be replaced by Trolls (because WoW can only hire SO many trolls)?
And they merged City of Heroes with its sequel, City of Villains. I'm not sure what I think about that, but then I'm only just created my first villain, the Marmoset (I can't believe that name wasn't taken).
And since I am writing for Guild Wars, I am really looking at their storytelling now and picking nits. The first time I encounter the Order, I really should get a little more detail. And why is the Boss of that adventure called "Pyre" in the intro text when he is "Inferno" in the mission itself? But these are petty quibbles.
But most of all, the newbie areas do feel kind of ... empty. Most of the rush has gone through now, leaving only the latecomers and people working on their 23rd alt (Alternate character). It remains a fun game (You run around and Fight Crime!), but it also has an old feel, like the primary four-color comics that it duplicates. And it follows that tradition to a great degree, and moves along smoothly, without a lot of pressure. So I'll probably be back in Paragon City for a while.
More later,
Sunday, November 18, 2007
May I See Your Visa?
I really, really, hate those commercials.
That is all. More later,
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Play: Time and Revolution
This play works, primarily through the brilliance of its lead and the excellent feeling of the march of time through the confines of a kitchen in Cuba.
And this is interesting, because it has an uphill fight, as the play has well-rounded, not always likable characters, a polarizing subject (Castro's Cuba) and the overall feel and potential danger of pitching over into political polemic.
The play is broken down into three acts for three different eras. The first is New Year's Eve, 1958, when Castro is moving on the capital and Batista and his boys are leaving in droves. The setting is the kitchen of the upper class house, where Gladys, the cook, is desperately holding things together for the people upstairs, with the aid of two cousins and her husband, Carlos, the chauffeur. She must deal with demands like Baked Alaska and pushing the clocks back an hour so the Master of the house can get back in time (the timeless nature of the household gets inserted early). The elements of class and race come into play in the upstairs/downstairs relationship.
A phone call comes in from the Master, and Adria, the Mistress of the House books out, complete with fur coat and valuables, leaving the staff and partiers behind for the Communists. Before she goes, however, she elicits a promise from Gladys to preserve the house for her promised return.
That's the big drive for the rest of the play - Gladys keeping the house for Adria. Thematically, the house is Cuba, abandoned by its upper class, kept running on thinner and thinner resources by those left behind.
Jump to 1972, and we are in the middle Castro's regime, along with increased sexual politics between Carlos and Gladys. Carlos is now a middle-weight the Party and has a pregnant mistress. Gladys's cousin is a homosexual followed by the secret police. Gladys can save her cousin at a cost of giving Carlos ascendancy in the household. Her resolve is tested, and decisions are made.
Jump to 1997, and American tourists are arriving in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union. They have made the house a paladar, a small family restaurant, in order to keep it going. Carlos and Gladys are still together, joined by Rosa, Carlos' daughter by his mistress (who has since fled both Carlos and the island). Rosa is the voice of the New Cuba, who has grown up there. Adria finally returns, in the form of her daughter, Lourdes, an unapologetic Ugly American. You can see where this is going.
Where "The Cook" works as a play is that it internalizes so much of the history and the national politics within the confines of the Gladys' kitchen, and the heart of the play is how the rest of the world impinges of her domain. It is about loyalty misplaced, promises made, and about the progress of time, healing some wounds, keeping others fresh.
Zabryna Guevara as Gladys pulls it all off, aging with the old kitchen, moving from dedidated young servant to master of her own world easily and believably. Given the heavy import and deeper messages that roll around on the stage, it is up to her to pull it together, and like her character, Guevara pulls it off in a splendid, moving performance.
The supporting cast is almost equally as good - Al Espinosa as Carlos comes across as more than merely a communist cypher and strawman for the revolution gone awry. His goal is always one at control, and his final state, that of accepting and supporting Gladys, is one of the triumphs of the play. A.K.Murtadha as the homosexual cousin Julio is extremely broad, and he is the posterboy for showing the cruelty of the regime (like democracies do SO much better). Here we are in danger of pitching completely over into broad political moralism, but Guevara's strong performance and Glady's character pulls it back.
Where it fails is in the portrayal of the upper class characters, Adria and Lourdes, played by the same actress. While race is a definite component in the history of the house which is Cuba (the lighter-skinned Spanish descendants had the advantages and were capable of fleeing the country when the revolution came), Jessica Pimentel's peaches and cream complexion is too much, and she looks and sounds more Megan Mullally (from "Will and Grace") than a Spanish-descended noblewoman, more comfortable in the Hamptons than Havana. Her characters are called upon for the faintest promises and the cruelest betrayals, and this is a difficult proposition for any actress. She doesn't carry it across here, neither believable as Mistress of the house or as Judgment from America.
(And yeah, the toughest moment to "sell" would be when Adria declares her long-unspoken friendship with underclass Gladys, then leaves. If the friendship was so strong, why not take the devoted servants with her? Particularly since one of them (Carlos, the Chauffeur, is driving them to the airport anyway?).
I think the reason the play works despite this is that we are allowed to see and develop most of the other characters over time, and watch the slow shabbification of the set (done extremely subtly, such that only at the end did I realize that the plaster had fallen in and the tiles were missing in parts of the kitchen). The sense of time and that of growth and development, off-stage and on, helps bring the play and its characters to a fuller, richer life. And Gladys, the centerpost, the support for both the play and her household, has the richest life of all.
More later,
Friday, November 16, 2007
About the Strike
1) The writers want residuals for their material put out over the net (or in the parlance - new media).
2) The writers want an increase in the residuals they get from DVD sales.
3) The writers want payment for material written specifically for the net.
I'm putting this early in this entry because these demands seem to somehow get lost in the media reports. There have been articles in the news about the writer's strike, but somehow, the heart of the matter seems to get lost, mentioned at the tale end, or put into paragraph 7 after the jump.
This is known as "burying the lede" - hiding the important part of the news report under the sizzle of "Wacky Writers go on Strike!" and "Stars march on picket line with Wacky Writers".
I am not a member of WGA, but I'm a writer, so I get questions in the office from people who assume I know all about it (OK, I get questions about ANYTHING involving writing "So, Jeff, what do you know about this Gutenberg guy?"). So I do the research. And as demands go, I'll agree that it is important and worth going out on strike about.
The AMPTP has its counter offer - Shut up and go back to work. No, really. There has been a lot of nothing from the other side except a lot of walking away from the table (I think they have walked so far away from the table the negotiators are lost in Kansas right now). They are pretty sure that they are able to stick to this position, since writers are by their nature a quarrelsome and lonely lot, and have a basic need to write and entertain others. That's how the producers benefit from the situation in the first place.
Except things are a little different this time. The writers seem more unified. The other unions are backing them. The fans themselves are rallying behind their favorite shows, and holding and the producers responsible for them not getting their regular fix. There are other venues willing to hire writers. And the Internet, the bone of contention, has proved a very effective way of getting the message out to the wider world.
That last one is important. Remember what I said about burying the lede? The same major media that is being struck against is also controlling the traditional means of communicating about this strike, so the details sometimes get lost under the gloss.
So, for those interested, here are some links to help out:
United Hollywood is the strike HQ with reports on the picketing.
Nikki Finke has the LA WEEKLY report for word from both sides.
Ken Levine, who wrote for M*A*S*H, Cheers, and Frazier has a personal angle (along with other stuff).
Comic book legend Mark Evanier has more as well (along with other stuff).
Here's a very good video laying out "Why We Fight"
And here's a less-serious video laying out the AMPTP position, from the writers of the Colbert Report (Yes, they are still writing, just not putting it on the network - the killer phrase is "unendangered birthday tiger").
There's probably going to be more on this, but it will have to be later,
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Singing the Body Eclectic

Which Historical Lunatic Are You?
More later
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
DOW Breaks 13,000!
Wasn't it only a mere matter of weeks ago that the national economic thermometer was a thousand points higher, creating the idea that we might be shrugging off the last of these long economic doldrums and finally moving forward? How did this happen?
Many things happened, and some of them self-inflicted.
The price of crude is rising, in part to the fact that we cannot really control all the places we invade. Remember the nod and the wink that taking Baghdad would open the oil spigots and pay for itself? Now crude grazes against the 100 bucks a barrel limit and our prices at the pumps spin accordingly.
We've been selling our debt for the last little while, and sometimes it seems to be our largest export. Lenin's old comment about how a capitalist will sell you the rope you hang him with seems appropriate, but it really was the comment by a mid-level cabinet official that cast fear into the heart of Wall Street Profiteers. The comment was that they might be looking for other, stronger currencies to collect.
And then there is the depleted dollar, now surging well below the loonie (making Canadians in the office both confused and slightly smug (well, smug for Canadians)). Supposedly a weaker dollar is good for tourism, but "Psychotic TSA Agent" has replaced "Snooty French Waiter" in the pantheon of feared tourist enemies, and may have a negative affect on all those Canadians streaming south.
And finally, we have the weakening housing market, which is mainly due to massive defaults on sub-prime mortgages. This one is oddly self-inflicted. A few years back, in its corporate wisdom, our government chose to make it tougher for individuals to declare bankruptcy and get out of credit card debt. So now those in over their heads are defaulting on the mortgages instead. Good going, guys. Here's a basic in fluid dynamics which applies to economics as well - if you dam up the river, it will just go somewhere else.
Ah, well, so we are in danger of finding out that the past few months were "the good old days". Hope springs eternal, but the market is crying for another rate cut/cookie, and may yet get it.
More later,
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Eleventh Day
Eleventh Year
In Flanders Fields
IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army
More later,
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Writing Things
I AM writing, but I realize I don't talk about the writing much here. There are bloggers who regularly post with updates, and progress and odd, tantalizing questions ("Would the Bridge of Sighs in Venice decay faster or slower in a vacuum?"), but that part of the process is pretty private, and I don't like to share the starts and stops of the entire operation. And the dead ends. Definitely don't like to share the dead ends.
Another part of it is that I'm often writing about things I can't talk about yet. Sometimes it is a secret project, like this thing I'm doing for Guild Wars II. Sometime it is a project that has been announced but the details are still under wraps (like the Mission Packs for Guild Wars, which are coming ... uh ... soon. Real soon). Sometimes it is for a project that hasn't been announced (Like this thing I'm doing for a friend), or something that hasn't been approved or contracted (like this other thing I'm just starting to outline). And even when the project has been approved, contracted (mostly), and is public (like an upcoming adventure for Wolf Baur's Open Design project on the Arabian Nights), I don't like to mention it until after I have it all wrapped up (if then). Call me superstitious, but until the project is finished, turned over, revised, accepted, and paid for, I am still leery about it ever seeing the light of day.
So the only time I really feel comfortable talking about the work is when it is, well, out there. And then the work tends to speak for itself, and doesn't really need me to speak for it. In fact, the work would be just as happy if I shut up and let it do the talking. I gladly promote my work once it shows up, but up to that point, it is all sort of back-room-sausage-making, and filled with more perils and false paths than true.
But at the moment, I can safely say I am working on a lot of Things I can't really talk about. Weird, huh?
More later,
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Local Politics: Vox Populi
Proposition 1 (Roads and Transit) was voted down. Commuters celebrated this morning by a bumper-to-bumper parade along Northbound 405 between Renton and Bellevue. If you missed it, don't sweat - they'll be holding it tomorrow as well.
The various anti-factions are declaring that they love a unified transit measure, but not just THIS measure, and as soon as a plan is put forward that meets their needs (more concrete, no concrete, rails-only, busses-only, no taxes, everyone gets a pony), then they will gladly vote for it. Here's the story on that: 2009 at the very earliest before anyone sticks their political neck out for a comprehensive plan.
R-67 (Insurance company accountability) passed neatly, though, despite a huge ($11 million+) campaign from the insurance companies to defeat it. This just in: your rates are going up, because all the money to run that campaign had to come from SOMEWHERE.
I-960 (Supermajority taxes) passed, in the traditional tax rebellion of the season. Court case to show that it is unconstitutional begins in
ESSJR 8206 (Supermajority Rainy Day Fund) also passed, which is not horrible, but the language is so fuzzy I'm interested in seeing how it gets enacted.
SJR 8212 (Prison Labor for Profit) passed. Now the next step - prison terms for jaywalking! Gotta keep those profits up!
EHJR 4204 (REMOVE Supermajority for school funds) failed. Alas, this is the only one where I can truly say that the voters are dumber than a box of rocks. Must have been their schooling, which no one would pay for.
SHJR-4215 (University plays the Stock Market) passes. UW Chancellor seen checking out the tote board at Evergreen Downs.
King County Initiative 25 (Make the County Director of Electors a political race) passes. OK, just remember that you asked for it.
King County Proposition No. 1 (Medic One): Passes by a wide margin.
King County Prosecutor: Non-partisan Republican Dan Satterberg. It would be such irony that after the GOP put so much money into the race, that Mr. Satterberg turns out to really BE non-partisan. Local daily papers realize that there may have been actual money-laundering in this race in
Port of Seattle: Despite some of the most amusing political maneuvering I have seen this election, the reformers took it: Gael Tarleton and Alec Fisken.
King County Assessor: Brand confusion did not work - incumbent Scott Noble won.
Public Hospital District #1 - Wonder of wonders, the voters split the ticket. Incumbent Carole Anderson and newcomer Sue Bowman. Those on the board need to think of this as a shot across the bow, though - it is time to clean up.
King County Commissioner District Six: Jane Hague over Richard Pope, who made a very strong showing. Also, an extremely high number of write-ins.
Renton Annexation: Passes nicely. Now, when is Kent to going to get its act together?
So that's it - some wins, some losses, and the Republic moves on. I think I'm more steamed about the school funding supermajority hanging around than I am about the roads. But that's the problem is democracy - they let anyone in the door.
We now return to our regularly scheduled lunacy.
More later
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Election Day
ME: Be sure to vote.
SHE: Looking at it now.
ME: You know, I did some write-ups on the issues for my blog.
SHE: I read them. (pause) I just don't agree with them all.
This is why I have no future in politics: I can't even manage a majority in my own house (and that's with the cats not voting - something about no opposable thumbs).
More later,
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Local Politics: Stragglers
Because the campaigns, even at this late date, are not going to be particularly helpful.
Example is a late mailer here from the Bill Bryant (Port Commissioner) campaign. It is pretty well-done, showing his opponent Alec FIsken on one side is scary b/w photo, and pull quotes about how the port is disfunctional from the PI and the online Crosscut. Now, the PI reference doesn't reference Fisken at all (talking actually about Bryant's allies), while the Crosscut piece actually holds opponent Fisken up as being one of the voices of reform for the port ("a very interesting new political phenom who might be a harbinger of Seattle politics to come"), but don't expect Bryant's mailer to say that - instead, among the charges leveled is that Fisken has spent four years on the job without breaking the stranglehold of the big business interests - oh, the horror!
The flip side is just as charming and disingenuous. It's time to clean up the port, says candidate and International Trade Negotiator Bill Bryant. And he is shown in a turtleneck! With a beard and aviator frames! And hiking boots! AND he has an orca on his brochure and his yard signs! He looks like he's from Seattle! He must be a good guy!
And Bryant may well be a good person and love marine mammals, but he is also the big business candidate who will more likely support the shennanigans going on in the Port at the moment, like big-ticket golden parachutes for former CEOs. So file this one definitely as "Flying under false colors" and vote for Alec Fisken.
Secondly, we have the King County Prosecutor race between interim incumbent Dan Satterberg and challenger Bill Sherman. Satterberg has made a big play for how the KC Prosecutor's office must be non-partisan, while running as a partisan candidate. The lib blogs and weeklies have been reporting on this, and the dailies are just catching up with the sudden cash dump from the Washington State Republican Party into the campaign, some of it little more than money laundering from big-ticket donors. Satterberg is apparently shocked, simply shocked, that all the people giving money to his non-partisan campaign are the usual GOP suspects. As a reminder, vote Bill Sherman.
And then we have ST/RTID Proposition 1, which, as you know, I think is a balanced, well-explained compromise in addressing Seattle's #1 headache - traffic. (so Vote Yes - it ain't sexy, but it works). But I did get a cute recorded message yesterday morning from some anti-folks. Which anti-folks, I can't tell, and I don't remember it exactly, but I think went something like this:
MUSIC: "Leave It To Beaver" theme song,
SFX: Funky old car horn
SAM (Folksy Vote): Hey, Mona, we've got an election coming up.
MONA (equally Folksy): Do we, Sam?
SAM: Yeah, and those scoundrels in charge of our government is trying to pull a fast one on us just plain folks.
MONA: Really?
SAM: Yeppers, with Proposition 1, which will raise our taxes more than our taxes have ever been raised before!
MONA: Really?
SAM: Sure Enough, and despite all that, it won't do a thing to making the highways less congested, because people will keep moving in unless we let our roads collapse.
MONA: Well, I don't like that! Bad roads are the only thing keeping all those Californians out.
SAM: That's right. And I understand that those supporting this measure are puppy-kickers!
MONA: Puppy-kickers?
SAM: Yep, they love to pour concrete and kick puppies! And raise our taxes!
MONA: Well, I'd never vote for concrete-pouring, tax-raising puppy-kickers!
SAM: Neither would I, and neither should you, person-we've-never-met-because-we're-recording-this-in-Chicago.
MONA: So vote no! Or else evil people are going to come over and kick your puppies!
Then again, I may have missed the exact quotes.
So hang on, there's some life in this election yet.
More later,
Friday, November 02, 2007
The Chronics
The house was apparently 2/3rds full, which was a surprise given that the Sonics management was promoting the game with all the stealth usually reserved for a state legislator's pay raise. The game itself was described as three quarters of good basketball, followed by a complete self-destruct similar to that experienced in their season opener the day before.
And even the most die-hard fans among my friends accused the Sonics of taking a dive.
Here's the deal, for those outside the Sound. The Sonics were bought last year by a group out of Oklahoma, who publicly pledged that they would love, simply love, to keep the team in Seattle, as opposed to moving it to smaller-market OKC, a town which is best known as a site of right-wing terrorism and, in a bit of trivia, the aerial bombing of the poor (An aviator in the 20's bombed the black neighborhoods with dynamite).
Upon purchase of the Sonics, the new owners proceeded to demand the most expensive arena in the NBA, and when the fandom proved to be insufficiently stupid, declared that they have exhausted all options and have no other choice but to make the move and could-you-let-us-out-of-the-lease-early-thanks? The city was less than accommodating, winning the point in court and forcing the new owners to appeal to the NBA, who will gladly junk the agreement to keep their owners happy.
Mind you, in the midst of this, own of the owners had the poor judgment to publicly state that they were never planning on hanging around, anyway, and those rubes in Seattle were just being strung along. The other owners declared this a misstatement. Uh-HUH.
So now, to show that Seattle doesn't have the heart to love a major league team, they are delivering crap-tastic basketball in the hopes of driving as many fans away as possible, thereby expediting their escape to the heartland. And they have sent the message they will keep on losing until they get what they want, regardless of the desires of the fans or the players. Good game, guys.
Me, I don't care much about B-Ball except when my kid sister was playing (go Grove City!), but it strikes me as perfect local sport for local heroes and talented college kids, not an game of industrialized powers. But the owners have been jerking the city around from Day One, and having turned some of their most dedicated fans into suspicious antagonists (two lawsuits are already pending), they should not be surprised that no one around here has a handkerchief for their crocodile tears.
Oh, and it turns out that an investors group from OKC is ALSO sniffing around the Pittsburgh Penguins. Just so you know.
More later,
UPDATE: So one of my co-workers showed a small (quarter of a page) flier that was being handed out, with the Save Our Sonics logo and the office phone number of NBA head David Stern. Yes, he called, which apparently neither the NBA nor the SOS (who did not approve the use of the logo) appreciate. How frustrating it must be to let the fans interfere with letting the team flee the city!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
The Jeff Recommends
ST/RTID Proposition 1 (Roads and Transit) - Here's the deal - if we don't pass it, I don't want to see any of you on 405 northbound between 9 and 10, because that's when I need to get to work. Vote YES.
R-67 (Insurance Accountability) - So $10 million has been dumped into this campaign to defeat it, in the name of protecting consumers. How much has come from actual consumers? $700. Vote YES.
I-960 (Supermajority Taxation) - We say government doesn't work, and we want to make sure it doesn't! Another "Give me a pony!" initiative. Vote NO.
ESSJR 8206 (Supermajority Rainy Day Fund) - Let's push some cash away for an emergency, but then make sure we can't get to it. Sometimes I feel that way about the Girl Scout thin mints in the freezer. Vote NO.
SJR 8212(Prison Labor for Profit) - Prison should have to worry about punishment versus rehabilitation, not whether Bennie the Shiv and C-Block has made their fourth quarter numbers. Vote NO.
EHJR 4204 (REMOVE Supermajority for school funds) - Vote YES.
SHJR-4215 (University plays the Stock Market) - This I was wavering on. Do I really doubt the intelligence of a UNIVERSITY to invest in stocks wisely? Um, yes. Yes, I do doubt it. Vote NO.
King County Initiative 25 (Make the County Director of Electors a political race) - Yeah, THAT will make things move much smoother. Vote NO.
King County Proposition No. 1 (Medic One) - Why yes, when I'm have heart pangs, I'd like to have an ambulance. Hell, I'd like to have a transporter. Vote YES.
King County Prosecutor - Both men have good resumes and will likely do a good job, but the GOP candidate keeps trying to hide that he's Republican, stressing non-partisanship while at the same time taking gobs of money from the state party and doing fundraising for other GOP candidate. Vote BILL SHERMAN
Port of Seattle Position #2 - Go for GAEL TARLETON and keep an eye on her.
Port of Seattle Position #5- Keep reformer ALEC FISKEN and give him some support.
King County Assessor - OK, Scott Noble actually made a pun in his Voter's Pamphlet - he's the singular choice. Get it? SINGULAR? Because his opponent is named NOBLES? And they say Assessors have no sense of humor. Vote SCOTT NOBLE.
Public Hospital District #1 - Snake Pit. The incumbents have done poorly with their task, but their opposition is suspect. The foe of my foe is not necessarily my friend. Split the difference with CAROLE ANDERSON and SUE BOWMAN, and get a new CEO, stat!
And on the ones I cannot vote on:
King County Commissioner District Six: Jane Hague. Yep, flawed vessel, the weakness that flesh is heir to, yadayada. But that doesn't make her opponent obviously better (though he does have a Myspace page).
Renton Annexation: Oh, and now we have a City Council dustup where a religious stealth candidate running against King Parker (of King and Bunny's Appliances, up in the highlands) is striking back against a web site targeting her on how most of her support is coming from outside Renton. OK guys, on Annexation, you're on your own here, but you should know what you're getting into.
Feel free to print this out.
More later,