Well, this one makes me a little sad.
About a year and half ago, I found Blog-Lebo, which was nothing more than a little blog based out of my home town, Mt. Lebanon, an upper middle class suburb of Pittsburgh, PA. Now there are Pittsburgh blogs, but it was the first one that I found that talked about Mt. Lebanon, and the stuff that Mt. Lebanon talks about, like walker safety and local restaurants and deer culls. It would get into controversy at the level of the suitability of corking fees. And it did a great series on the hidden Mt. Lebanon, those things which made Lebo Lebo and held it together as a community (short form - faith, kids, dogs). It hit the nail on the head more often than not, and linked in interesting stories (including a discussion that subdivides Mt. Lebanon by the personality of its school districts, which always made sense to me, but then I grew up there).
Anyway, Blog-Lebo is no more, in part because of some other Lebo tendencies - property and priviledge. They reported on a public walkway being closed by the Lebo native who may/may not control the property in question. Said native has relations with high-priced local law firm. Law firm sends bigfoot letter to bloggers. Blog-Lebo shuts down. The details are here
And that's a pity, since Blog-Lebo was the Internet done right. Non-sensational, supportive, and extremely local. Better than the rah-rah community papers who toe the official line and rely on local businesses for their upkeep. Bloggers Mike Madison, Joe Polk, and Jefferson Provost were incredibly supportive of the community, but as a community, and felt like the first breath of fresh air since they built the Kaufmann's (now the Galleria) where Gilkeson met Washington Road. Accessible, and communicating the nature of being a Mt. Lebanonite even to those of us on the other side of the country.
Alas, it is no more. The writers are moving under the larger Pittsblog which will deal with larger issues and thicker skins. And more's the pity. Usually you only hear about the 'burbs when something goes horribly, horribly wrong. Their day-to-day coverage was a good gathering for natives and expats, and extended the sense of community.
But its all fun and games until someone calls out the lawyers.
So, like I said, this makes me a little sad.
More later,
UPDATE:Upon further consideration, They're back! (though no more anonymous commenting, which I think is OK).
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