A lot of stuff worth noting:
The Basic Rules for the new edition of Dungeons & Dragons is out, and you can get the free pdf version of it here. I am credited in the book both for "Drawing from further development by:" and "Additional consultation provided by:" Both are accurate credits and I am pleased to be mentioned. On the latter credit, I reviewed a (very) early draft and gave them my curmudgeonly what-for. On a quick scan of the final product I find that it is is readable, engaging, and moves the discussion that is the D&D game forward. I particularly like that they have pulled from the TSR novels for their examples and archetypes, and have woven the worlds tighter to the core rules.
The D&D Starter Set, which is starting to show up, has the rules, plus dice and an adventure. Not to miss a trick, Frog God Games has released the first non-WotC D&D Adventure here. The adventure is by Clark Peterson and Christopher Laurent, but I would be remiss to point out the veteran TSR editor Steve Winter is listed as developer and one of the editors. Steve is also one of the designers (with Wolfgang Baur) on the first separate WotC D&D adventure, Tyranny of Dragons.
Speaking of games, the new season of the Guild Wars 2 Living Story has just launched, and has gotten great responses, which makes everyone at work very happy.
One of the GW2 team, Leif Chappelle, has had his first novel published - City of Tigers, available in kindle and dead tree editions. Leif was kind enough to provide me with a downloaded ARC a few months back, and I have failed him utterly by not reading it. But you should check it out, regardless of my failure.
Another member of the GW2 Team, Matthew Medina, has HIS first novel out - Bloodfire, in both electronic and paper editions.
Another friend and member of the old TSR Crew, Troy Denning, has his new book Crucible, for Star Wars, just out in paperback.
That's enough AND for the moment. There will be more. Later.
Nexus Between Metabolic Syndrome and Visceral Adiposity: An Intricate
This is one of those keyword sets that my doctor gave me after checkup.
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