I always feel sorry for people who seek out my personal blog, hoping that I will talk about game design or history and instead find long tracks on local politics and collectible quarters. C'est La Guerre.
Anyway, suming up. Let me point back to this entry at the very beginning, which links to a variety of other voices, some of which are well-considered and some of which are the Seattle Times. Then let me hit up the major points (candidates running unopposed don't get an entry, as usual).
Advisory Votes 16, 17, and 18, which really don't matter - Vote MAINTAINED anyway.
King County Proposition No. 1 Levy Lid Lift for Veterans, Seniors, and Vulnerable Populations, which does matter more - Vote APPROVED.
King County Executive - Dow Constantine.
King County Sheriff - Mitzi Johanknecht.
Court of Appeals, Division No.1, District no. 1 - Michael S. Spearman.
Port of Seattle Commissioner Position No. 1 - Ryan Calkins.
Port of Seattle Commissioner Position No. 3 - Ahmed Abdi.
Port of Seattle Commission Position No. 4 - Preeti Shridhar.
Mayor, City of Kent - No Recommendation.
Kent Council Position No. 2 - Satwinder Kaur.
Kent Council Position No 4 - Tye Whitfield.
Kent Council Position No. 6 - Brenda Fincher.
Kent School District No, 415 - Denise Daniels.
Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Commissioner Position No. 2 - Merle Reader (and I had to go look that up).
Public Hospital District No. 1, Commissioner District No 1 (have you noticed the abundance of commissioners this year?) - Pete DeLeyser
End of Ballot, BUT
Cary Moon for Mayor of Seattle
Manka Dhingra for State Senate, 45th District.
Anyone Other than Dino Rossi for 8th District US House of Representatives.
But then, that last one is for next year.
More later,
Difficult Terrain
So here I am, part of an adventuring party. Our quest is to slay monsters
and be a hero to the fine people of the land. I’m a fighter, meaning I get
up clo...
13 hours ago