Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Political Desk: Judgement Day

So, State Supreme Court Judges. We have one open slot  with multiple candidates this time, as Susan Owen must retire since she is over 75 (yes, we do that out here). Four contenders, each with their own take. All sound like solid, professional folks. Their write-ups are in the Voters guide, but Crosscut summarizes that and add material from other sources and their own interviews.

(And this is where I once regret the loss of Voting for Judges site and the Municipal League. Ah, well.)

OK, one more thing - if one candidate gets 50% plus, the get the job. No playoff round. But this time, given four candidates, that's unlikely. Here goes:

Todd A. Bloom comes out of private practice with 20+ years of experience and ten years as a tax attorney. He's running with the encouragement of the Washington State Bar Association Board of Governors. He didn't respond to Crosscut's questions. 

Sal Mungia is a litigator with 40+years of experience, and a lot of backing - 8 of the 9 current current justices, Gov. Inslee, the Stranger, and Candidate Bob Ferguson. He's successfully pitched changes to the state's jury selection process. He's got an impressive resume and an embarrassing amount of cash.

David R. Shelvey has the least experience of the group with 9 years as a lawyer and come primarily from the business side, as well as a radio personality. In his bio, he also mentions double-checking with God before making decisions.

Dave Larson comes from the Judge-side of the equation, with 16 years as a judge and 23 years as a trial attorney. He believes strongly is therapeutic sentencing, and many of the reforms have been made into law from the bench. 

Four pretty solid candidates, with a low (mostly) percentage of dog whistles. I would like to have to make the choice between Sal Mungia and Dave Larsen this fall. But force me into a corner, and I'll go with Sal Mungia.

And that wraps up my ballot. I will post a summary, and after the primary, post the results.

More later,