I mentioned before how the first Friday after the close of tax season is now and forevermore a familial holiday. So the Lovely Bride and I transformed this into what could best be called an extra Saturday. In celebration, we;
- Overslept
- Had oatmeal
- I ran a bunch of game product and magazines over to SPY Comics for sale - I'll tell you guys when they show up on ebay.
- The LB took the Insight in for an oil change - they found a dead mouse on the oil cap. Neat.
- The LB checked for bounces from the IRS for her last clients.
- We went up for deep dish at Delfino's in the U District.
- Visited the Museum of History and Industry, but too late to take in all the exhibits (the traveling Terrorism in America exhibit has been extended to 20 June - check it out).
- Managed to dodge the worst of the traffic.
- Got home as it started to rain.
Not a major holiday, but one that was greatly appreciated.
More later,
Difficult Terrain
So here I am, part of an adventuring party. Our quest is to slay monsters
and be a hero to the fine people of the land. I’m a fighter, meaning I get
up clo...
2 hours ago