The madness that is Scourge continues, as we see the first interviews for Scourge showing up on the 'net.
I did 20 questions with Cape Rust on Geek-Life, where we talk about Hutts, Mander, and scum-and-villainy novels!
And over at the Fictional Frontiers Podcast, you can here me in the first interview with Sohaib. Sohaib is a great interviewer, but you you can hear me hem and haw, and see why I say I have "A face made for radio, a voice made for mime."
And while we're at it, I came across a review of my LAST book, Ghosts of Ascalon, (written with the mighty Matt Forbeck), over on The Backline. His concern is in moving a game's world to another media and if it suffers in the transition, and in light of that I will take "I was pleasantly surprised at how not crappy it was" as a compliment.
And I've been reminded that not only is Scourge available in classic crushed-plant-material version (with stylish embossed cover), but also as a heaping handful of digital bits for your Kindle.
AND I want to thank everyone for putting up with all of this linkage. After the book makes its street date next Tuesday, I will resume talking about collectible quarters. No, really.
More later,
Period words: words, period
To use the language of text memes: “Not me leaning toward the television,
pointing and shouting ‘That hasn’t even been said yet!'” It certainly was
me, whi...
1 week ago