In cleaning up the home office, I came across a file of old character sheets. These were the character's I've run in various campaigns, some of them going back decades but most in the past ten years. Some were one-shots, others had long lifespans, running until we decided to close that campaign. And so, let us bow our heads for these characters who will probably never return again:
Emjar Dwin - Eladrin Warlord/Spiral Tactician/Demigod (4e)
Whappamanga - Wookiee Fringer (Star Wars d20)
Edie "Fast Edie" Romanova - Charismatic/Fast Hero/Telepath (D20 Modern)
Morris "Moondog" Greenberg - Tough hero (D20 Modern)
Hahn-Keh-Tahnk - Asari Kebenti (Rogue)/Priest (Horus) (3E)
Gomez "Go-go"" Gnozaria - Gnome Artificer (Eberron)
Rellique - Warforged Paladin/Exorcist/Fighter (Eberron)
Mog of Magni - Cleric (Magni) (3E)
Wicker of the Pierone People - Mindbreaker/Plant (Gamma World)
Sir Blaine of the Islse, Angelsea (Pendragon) Shield a white Bend Sinister on red with Narwhale Rampant)
Al-Malik - Dragonborne Sorceror (4e)
Raham - Deva avenger (4e)
Thruggoth - Minotaur Ranger (4e)
Breedeep - Bullywug Monk (4e)
Roland "Rollie" Hempsmith - Dilettante (CoC Gaslight)
Elmer Sanderson - Groundskeeper (CoC Gaslight)
Kelden - Human Duskblade (3E)
Oliver Weston - Essayist (CoC 20's)
Jimmy Milhouse - Oil Geologist/Team Leader (CoC 20's)
Chauncy Griggs - Professor of Anthropology (CoC 20's)
Jacob Wecht - Private Investigator (CoC 20's)
Archibald "Archie" Grigsby - Cavalry Colonel (ret.) (CoC 20's, Orient Express))
Matthew "Mutt" Nolan - Professional Driver (CoC 20's Coming Full Circle)
Charlie Ho - Sailor (CoC 20's)
Aḯ - Dwarf (D&D Cyclopedia)
Nathan Chames - Writer/Naturalist (CoC 20's)
Margaret Jones - Activist/Retired Accountant (CoC Modern)
Réja hai Várrga - Njáshte of Ksarul (EPT)
Avarok - Fighter Servant of Réja (EPT)
Guy la Frénaie - Noble (d20 Cthulhu set in Averoigne)
Hugo Maison -Doctor (Trail of Cthulhu).
More later,
So, I've been going to occupational therapy recently in hopes that it will
help with the tremors in my hands, which sometimes make difficult things
8 hours ago