Still busy - have another video. This one is of my home town, Pittsburgh, and my old neighborhood appears around the 15-17 second mark.
It is interesting in both what they counted as worth seeing and what they did not. Carnegie Museum gets a reference for Flashdance? When right across the street is a statue for Steven Foster? Phipps Conservatory and Beuhl Planetarium get the short shrift? We miss both Point Park fountain and the stadiums (and Clemente park)? And you give us Warhol's grave but not his museum?
Oh, and you drive right past the Galleria without noticing it, but that I can understand.
More later,
[Update]: The other thing to notice is that most people get around Pittsburgh by back roads and local routes. Everyone has their own way to get through town.
Ring Any Bells?
So, yesterday, going through a box, I came across the dungeon map I did as
part of the Map Order for some adventure I worked on back in TSR/WotC days
1 day ago