While by nature I am a reclusive homebody, I am going to be all over the joint in the next few months, promoting the Ghosts of Ascalon and Guild Wars 2. Look for me here!
July 21-25 - San Diego Comic-Con (we'll be sharing a booth with Paragon Studios(City of Heroes) and signing books).
August 18-22 - Gamescom in Cologne (We will have the German translation of the novel out as well as debuting the hands-on demo of the game).
September 3-5 - PAX (Penny Arcade eXpo) in Seattle (US debut of the GW2 Demo).
See you there!
More later,
Ring Any Bells?
So, yesterday, going through a box, I came across the dungeon map I did as
part of the Map Order for some adventure I worked on back in TSR/WotC days
8 hours ago