Today is the official sale date for Ghosts of Ascalon by Matt Forbeck and myself. Early response and reviews have been wonderful, and I'm going to blurb a couple (links to the full article):
"With compelling characters and a great deal of background regarding what's gone down in the past two and a half centuries, Ghosts of Ascalon is a must-read for any player looking to get an early look at ArenaNet's next big MMO." - Kotaku
"It’s an easy read with good pacing. I’m a sucker for mythology, well developed worlds and adventure stories of daring-do if written well, and it was." - Carolyn Koh,
"There should also be no question that the book is well-written. That shouldn't even be a concern. Through the combined forces of Matt Forbeck and Jeff Grubb, we get a perfect example of why they're at the top of their game." - Shawn Schuster Massively
"I highly recommend Ghosts of Ascalon. It was a great, fun read, and I am really excited with the two more novels coming to the Guild Wars world. " Ravious, Kill Ten Rats
I am delighted by the early response, and hope that everyone enjoys the book as much.
More later,
Ring Any Bells?
So, yesterday, going through a box, I came across the dungeon map I did as
part of the Map Order for some adventure I worked on back in TSR/WotC days
2 days ago