Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Political Bunker: State Reps, District 11

The 11th district starts east of Lake Young and and runs up to Sodo along the I-5 corridor (which means it is most of my morning commuter) It is a long, spindly thing, and its state senator is Bob Hasegawa, who's not up for re-election this year. It's State Reps are Zack Hudgins and Steve Bergquist, who are. And running against them is ...

Nobody. Nobody? No Chamber-of-Commerce-endorsed Republican? No newly minted Libertarian who is still reading the welcome-to-the-cause literature? Not even a challenge from the left?

OK, then. Zack Hudgins and Steve Berquist. So good that even the GOP wants you to vote for them.

But while I'm here, let me credit the state legislature for actually doing things this session. Not everything I want, but at least it has been progress, over the previous, supposedly bipartisan, deadlocked sessions. A couple things that were pretty dumb, but actually the average of those was lower than usual. So, yeah. Go team.

And even though I'm not voting in this particular election - here's a nod for Steve Hobbs down in the 44th, around Lake Stevens and Mill Creek. I had the chance to talk with the incumbent a few weeks back, and found him to be knowledgeable and engaged with the issues. He's a little more moderate to my tastes, particularly on fiscal issues, but he impressed the heck out of me with the depth of his understanding in a variety of fields. Plus he's a gamer AND he has a podcast. So if you're in the fighting 44th, vote Hobbs.

More later,